Thursday, December 31, 2009


帕金森定律 (The Parkinson's Law)說的果然不差,空閒時間越多,人就越會找些瑣碎事來瞎忙。明明正經書堆的跟山一樣高讀不玩了,還是免不住要看些閒電影來娛樂娛樂。不過今天看的這部 Gran Torino 絕對值得兩個小時的時光。

一九九七年的心靈捕手 Good Will Hunting 一直是我很喜歡的電影之一,而這兩部片子有很相似的地方。老的喪偶之後缺乏生命的動力,小的被困在現實裏載浮載沈,眼看著一輩子就要如此沈淪。兩人相遇後各補所需,最後生命的價值得以實現。不過Gran Torino 裏的 Thao 沒有過人的智商,Walt 也不是麻省理工畢業的心理專家,在面對相似的挑戰加上先天資源的困乏,主角們就註定的要拿出性命相搏,而這也是這部片非常真性情的所在。

我不想透露劇情壞了大家看片的興致,就此打住。不過兩部片都結束在小主角開著古董車迎向未知的將來。相較於 Will 獨自開車消失在夕陽裏 - 筆直的道路通向陽光之州; Thao 開車在湖堤邊稍微曲折的小徑上,微風輕拂、綠影搖曳,車流熙熙攘攘、碎波輕輕拍打著沙灘,燈塔靜靜的站著畫面的遠處像是在指引著人生的方向,彷彿從天堂傳來克老低吟著:

"So tenderly
Your story is
Nothing more
Than what you see
Or what you've done
Or will become
Standing strong
Do you belong
In your skin
Just wondering

Gentle now
The tender breeze blows
Whispers through my Gran Torino
Whistling another tired song

Engine hums and bitter dreams grow
Heart locked in a Gran Torino
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long ...

也許是因為克老動作長相都像老爸,聽到一半時居然不住濕了眼眶。他離開後的世界依然照常運作-碎波拍岸、樹影搖曳、車流熙攘。不過在我迎向生活裡的挑戰時-在這個不經意的時刻-聽見他說,Standing strong。

Gran Turino original theme song full version

"Realign all the stars
Above my head
Warning signs travel far
I drink instead
On my own
Oh,how I've known
The battle scars and worn out beds

Gentle now
A tender breeze blows
Whispers through a Gran Torino
Whistling another tired song

Engines hums and bitter dreams grow
Heart locked in a Gran Torino
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long

These streets are old
They shine with the things I've known
And breaks through the trees
Their sparkling

Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things You've left behind

So tenderly
Your story is
Nothing more
Than what you see
Or What you've done
Or will become
Standing strong
Do you belong
In your skin
Just wondering

Gentle now
A tender breeze Blows
Whispers through The Gran Torino
Whistling another Tired song
Engines hums
And bitter dreams Grow
A heart locked In a Gran Torino
It beats A lonely rhythm
All night long

May I be
So bold and stay
I need someone to hold
That shudders My skin
Their sparkling

Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things You've left behind

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