中英對照: It could be hard to know when you need a new job. As a rule, if you hate going to work everyday, it may be time. 當局者迷,你可能並不知道該是換新工作的時候了。但按常理來說,如果你每天早上都討厭上班,那大概是時候了。
If you hate going to work, and your co-works don't respect you (hey Dummy), it may be time. 如果你每天早上都討厭上班,而且你的同事不敬重你(嘿,呆子),那大概是時候了。
If you hate going to work, your co-works don't respect you (hey Dummy), and you always wish you were somewhere else, it may be time. 如果你每天早上都討厭上班,你的同事不敬重你(嘿,呆子),而且你總是幻想你身在世界上的其他角落,那大概是時候了。
If you hate going to work, your co-works don't respect you (hey Dummy), you wish you were somewhere else, and you cry constantly, it may be time. 如果你每天早上都討厭上班,你的同事不敬重你(嘿,呆子),你幻想你身在世界上的其他角落,而且你號啕不止,那大概是時候了。
If you hate going to work, no one respect you (hey Dummy), you wish you were somewhere else, you cry constantly, and you day dreaming of punching small animal (Oh, Dear), it may be time. 如果你每天早上都討厭上班,沒人敬重你(嘿,呆子),你幻想你身在世界上的其他角落,你號啕不止,而且你做白日夢都夢到在扁小動物(我的媽阿),那大概是時候了。
If you hate going to work, no one respect you (hey Dummy), you wish you were somewhere else, you cry constantly, you day dreaming of punching small animal, and you sit next to this guy, it may be time. 如果你每天早上都討厭上班,沒人敬重你(嘿,呆子),你幻想你身在世界上的其他角落,你號啕不止,你做白日夢都夢到在扁小動物,而且你坐這傢伙旁邊,那大概是時候了。
If you make loads of money, it may not be time. (It's gold) 如果你真的賺很多錢,那大概還不到時候(這可是純金)。
But if you make loads of money, you hate going to work, no one respect you (hey Dummy), you wish you were somewhere else, you cry constantly, you day dreaming of punching small animal, and you sit next to this guy, it is probably time. As a rule. 但即使你賺很多錢,你每天早上都討厭上班,沒人敬重你(嘿,呆子),你幻想你身在世界上的其他角落,你號啕不止,你做白日夢都夢到在扁小動物,而且你坐這傢伙旁邊,那大概是時候了。理當如此。